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  • What is Placenta Encapsulation?  The practice of ingesting the placenta after it has been steamed (optional), dehydrated, ground, and then encapsulated. Traditionally, this is believed to have numerous health benefits to the mother.​


  • ​What is the difference between the Raw method and Heated method? The raw method skips the steaming step before being dehydrated. The placenta is only rinsed and sliced. This method will give you a more potent capsule and higher yield. The heated method is rinsed, steamed, then sliced. Both methods have plenty of benefits. 


  • How do I store my placenta until preparation? 


  • Can I still encapsulate my placenta if I have had a C-section?


  • What is a tincture?


  • How do I know my placenta is being prepared correctly?



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